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the bazaar for good
a fundraiser

another edition of the bazaar 4 good is in the books! and we couldn’t be more proud.


it was less than three years ago when the fabulous MARTHA GRAEFF mentioned to us her dream of doing something for SHANTI BHAVAN, a school for underprivileged kids she fell in love with while visiting india. her plan was to make a bazaar at her house and ask her digital influencer friends to donate fabulous pieces that would raise money for the children in india. “but why start small martha?”, we asked. 


after bringing the miami design district to table, the most relevant miamian influencers jumped on board. the brilliant DANIÉ GOMEZ made the idea reach new heights and a network of digital influencers embraced the cause as their own. 


not only the influencers, but many friends and brands also joined forces with us and on november 2018 we did a big fundraising bazaar at the miami design district and managed to raise $110,000 dollars for the school to build a new facility for the children in india. a brand new facility! we were so happy and so glad... 


this year, it got even bigger. focused in venezuela, instead of doing just one big event, throughout the year we did several warm-ups to the main one. here are some pictures of the lunch + store event in honor of the bazaar for good that ara creative ideas produced for CIA MARITIMA. The brand donated $5,000 to the cause, plus pieces for sale at the bazaar.

but back to the main event, our bazaar... what an incredible day.


more than 600 people were present and managed to get amazing deals on awesome brands and pieces, helping us raise a total of $130,000 for venezuela’s foundations: hogar y bambi, hospital ortopedico infantil, fe y alegria and fundana. with this amount of money, they will be able to keep functioning for at least a year, bringing children dignity and humanity. this is the kind of project our company was born for: projects that make a sensible change in the world.


will there be a bazaar 4 good in 2020? of course! the third time is the charm, right? and we want to make this a tradition. a charity that does social justice has to become a tradition.


what we love about the bazaar 4 good is exactly that. it’s a charity that works towards making it so that no one ever have to do charity. a movement that strives to use its power to resign it. to give conditions for people to bridge the gap. that goes deep to the core of the inequalities and creates means for growth. we first created a school for underprivileged kids in India, going where governments can’t (or won’t) to make sure more people have the chance for a better future. this year, all proceeds were donated to 4 organization that tackle children issues that are being neglected because of the long-standing political crisis in Venezuela: education, health, housing.


next year, we’ll move to a different target/country. do you have any suggestion? follow us on @thebazaarforgoodorg and let’s start building an even bigger event next year!

december 2019

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